Why is spawning a new process in Node so slow?

Max McDonnell on

At Val Town we run your code in Deno processes. We recently noticed, that under load, a single Val Town’s Node server cannot exceed 40 spawns/s. It spends 30% of its time with the main thread blocked on calls to spawn. Why is it so slow? Can we make it any faster?

To simulate this pattern we’ll write an HTTP server that spawns a new process for each request. Like this:

import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import http from "node:http";
.createServer((req, res) => spawn("echo", ["hi"]).stdout.pipe(res))

We’ll write similar implementations in Go (here) and Rust (here) and run this example with Node, Deno and Bun.

I am running all of these on a Hetzner CCX33 with 8 vCPUs and 32 GB of ram. I am benchmarking with bombardier running on the same machine. The command I’ll run to benchmark each server is bombardier -c 30 -n 10000 http://localhost:8001. 10,000 total requests over 30 connections. I prewarm each server before running the benchmark. I’m using Go v1.22.2, Rust v1.77.2, Node v22.3.0, Bun 1.1.20, and Deno 1.44.2.

Here are the results:

Node651node baseline.js
Deno2,290deno run --allow-all baseline.js
Bun2,208bun run baseline.js
Go5,227go run go/main.go
Rust (tokio)5,466cd rust && cargo run --release

Ok, so Node is slow. Deno and Bun have figured out how to make this faster, and the compiled, thread-pool languages are much faster again.

Node’s spawn performance does seem to be notably bad. This thread was an interesting read, and while in my testing things have improved since the time of that post, Node still spends an awful lot of time blocking the main thread for each Spawn call.

Switching to Bun or Deno would improve this a lot. That is great to know, but let’s try and improve things with Node.

Node cluster Module

The simplest thing we can do spawn more processes and run an http server per-process using Node’s cluster module. Like so:

import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import http from "node:http";
import cluster from "node:cluster";
import { availableParallelism } from "node:os";
if (cluster.isPrimary) {
for (let i = 0; i < availableParallelism(); i++) cluster.fork();
} else {
.createServer((req, res) => spawn("echo", ["hi"]).stdout.pipe(res))

Node shares the network socket between processes here, so all of our processes can listen on :8001 and they’ll be routed requests round-robin.

The main issue with this approach for me is that each HTTP server is isolated in its own process. This can complicate things if you manage any kind of in-memory caching or global state that needs to be shared between these processes. I’d ideally find a way to keep the single thread execution model of javascript and still make spawns fast.

Here are the results:

Node1,766node cluster.js
Deno2,133deno run --allow-all cluster.js
Bunn/a”node:cluster is not yet implemented in Bun”

Super weird. Deno is slower, Bun doesn’t work just yet, and Node has improved a lot, but I would have expected it to be even faster.

Nice to know there is some speedup here. We’ll move on from it for now.

Move The Spawn Calls To Worker Threads

If the spawn calls are blocking the main thread, let’s move them to worker threads.

Here’s our worker-threads/worker.js code. We listen for messages with a command and an id. We run it and post the result back. We’re using execFile here for convenience, but it is just an abstraction on top of spawn.

import { execFile } from "node:child_process";
import { parentPort } from "node:worker_threads";
parentPort.on("message", (message) => {
const [id, cmd, ...args] = message;
execFile(cmd, args, (_error, stdout, _stderr) => {
parentPort.postMessage([id, stdout]);

And here’s our worker-threads/index.js. We create 8 worker threads. When we want to handle a request we send a message to a thread to make the spawn call and send back the output. Once we get the response back, we respond to the http request.

import assert from "node:assert";
import http from "node:http";
import { EventEmitter } from "node:events";
import { Worker } from "node:worker_threads";
const newWorker = () => {
const worker = new Worker("./worker-threads/worker.js");
const ee = new EventEmitter();
// Emit messages from the worker to the EventEmitter by id.
worker.on("message", ([id, msg]) => ee.emit(id, msg));
return { worker, ee };
// Spawn 8 worker threads.
const workers = Array.from({ length: 8 }, newWorker);
const randomWorker = () => workers[Math.floor(Math.random() * workers.length)];
const spawnInWorker = async () => {
const worker = randomWorker();
const id = Math.random();
// Send and wait for our response.
worker.worker.postMessage([id, "echo", "hi"]);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
worker.ee.once(id, (msg) => {
.createServer(async (_, res) => {
let resp = await spawnInWorker();
assert.equal(resp, "hi\n"); // no cheating!


Node426node worker-threads/index.js
Deno3,601deno run --allow-all worker-threads/index.js
Bun2,898bun run worker-threads/index.js

Node is slower! Ok, so presumably we are not bypassing Node’s bottleneck by using threads. So we’re doing the same work with the added overhead of coordinating with the worker threads. Bummer.

Deno loves this, and Bun likes it a little more. Generally, it’s nice to see that Bun and Deno don’t see much of an improvement here. They’re already doing a good job of keeping the sycall overhead off of the execution thread.


Move Spawn Calls to Child Processes

If threads are not going to work, let’s use child processes to do the work. We’re spawning processes to spawn processes, but we’ll spawn a small number of worker processes from the main thread and distribute work between them. This way we only pay the spawn cost on startup in the main thread.

This is quite easy. We simply swap out the worker threads for processes spawned by child_process.fork and change how we send and receive messages.

$ git diff --unified=1 --no-index ./worker-threads/ ./child-process/
diff --git a/./worker-threads/index.js b/./child-process/index.js
index 52a93fe..0ed206e 100644
--- a/./worker-threads/index.js
+++ b/./child-process/index.js
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ import http from "node:http";
import { EventEmitter } from "node:events";
-import { Worker } from "node:worker_threads";
+import { fork } from "node:child_process";
const newWorker = () => {
- const worker = new Worker("./worker-threads/worker.js");
+ const worker = fork("./child-process/worker.js");
const ee = new EventEmitter();
@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ const spawnInWorker = async () => {
// Send and wait for our response.
- worker.worker.postMessage([id, "echo", "hi"]);
+ worker.worker.send([id, "echo", "hi"]);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
diff --git a/./worker-threads/worker.js b/./child-process/worker.js
index 5f025ca..9b3fcf5 100644
--- a/./worker-threads/worker.js
+++ b/./child-process/worker.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { execFile } from "node:child_process";
-import { parentPort } from "node:worker_threads";
-parentPort.on("message", (message) => {
+process.on("message", (message) => {
const [id, cmd, ...args] = message;
@@ -7,3 +6,3 @@ parentPort.on("message", (message) => {
execFile(cmd, args, (_error, stdout, _stderr) => {
- parentPort.postMessage([id, stdout]);
+ process.send([id, stdout]);

Nice. And the results:

Node2,209node child-process/index.js
Deno3,800deno run --allow-all child-process/index.js
Bun3,871bun run worker-threads/index.js

Good speedups all around. I am very curious what the bottleneck is that is preventing Deno and Bun from getting to Rust/Go speeds. Please let me know if you have suggestions for how to dig into that!

One fun thing here is that we can mix Node and Bun. Bun implements the Node IPC protocol, so we can configure Node to spawn Bun child processes. Let’s try that.

Update the fork arguments to use the bun binary instead of Node.

const worker = fork("./child-process/worker.js", {
execPath: "/home/maxm/.bun/bin/bun",
Node + Bun3,853node child-process/index.js

Hah, cool. I get to use Node on the main thread and leverage Bun’s performance.


Logs. The previous implementations assume there will be minimal log output, but what if there’s a lot? We could send the logs using process.send, but that will be quite expensive if our output bytes are serialized to JSON.

I spent a lot of time in this rabbit hole. Here’s a rough summary of the things I tried:

  1. Passing file descriptors between processes. Like passing the stdout/err back up to the parent process. I tried this a few different ways but couldn’t get it working so that we’d always capture all the bytes written.
  2. Just using process.send. This works, but is only performant if you use serialization: "advanced" so that you can send bytes without serialization. This doesn’t work in Deno and Bun.
  3. I created a pair of Abstract Sockets for each spawn call and sent the logs over the socket. This spends too much time setting up the sockets to be worth it.

Also Abstract Sockets are crazy. I’m familiar with Unix Domain Sockets where you have a file called (eg) something.sock and you can listen on it and connect to it just like a network address. Turns out, that if you use a Unix socket and the filename starts with a null byte, like \0foo the socket will not exist on the filesystem and it’ll be automatically removed when no longer used. Weird! Cool!

After all this testing I have two approaches that work pretty well.

  1. Set up a pool of processes with .fork() and also set up a separate abstract socket for each one to send logs.
  2. Simply use process.send but use serialization: "advanced".

Let’s see how those work out.

We’ll need something that outputs a lot of logs. So I grabbed the main.c file from Sqlite’s source. This is a 163Kb file. We’ll run the command cat main.c to print it out.

Here’s our baseline.js again with that update:

import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import http from "node:http";
.createServer((_, res) => spawn("cat", ["main.c"]).stdout.pipe(res))

I’ve updated the Go and Rust code as well. Let’s see how they do:

Node374node baseline.js
Deno667deno run --allow-all baseline.js
Bun1,374bun run baseline.js
Go2,757go run go/main.go
Rust (tokio)3,535cd rust && cargo run --release

Fascinating. It’s cool to see Bun and Rust pull ahead here compared to the previous benchmarks. Node is still slow very slow and Deno is surprisingly unhappy with this workload.

Next let’s try my abstract socket communication channel implementation. It’s getting quite complex so I won’t post it here, but you can take a look here.

Node1,336node child-process-comm-channel/index.js
Node + Bun2,635node child-process-comm-channel/index.js
Deno862deno run --allow-all child-process-comm-channel/index.js
Bun1,833bun child-process-comm-channel/index.js

Haha. I had seen some random benchmark results where Node+Bun was faster than bun alone, but it never netted out in the final runs.

The Deno results are quite perplexing. In implementing this example I had a “bug” where I was buffering the response as a string. Here’s the diff of me fixing it:

@@ -88,9 +88,8 @@ const spawnInWorker = async (res) => {
worker.child.send([id, "spawn", ["cat", ["main.c"]]]);
- let resp = "";
worker.ee.on(id, (msg, data) => {
if (msg == MessageType.STDOUT) {
- resp += data.toString();
+ res.write(data);
if (msg == MessageType.STDOUT_CLOSE) {
- res.end(resp);
+ res.end();
worker.requests -= 1;

This ‘fix’ makes Deno a lot slower, but Node and Bun a lot faster! I wonder if that’s because one has a faster toString() implementation or higher overhead for res.write?

Deno + string buffer1,453deno run --allow-all child-process-comm-channel/index.js


Finally, here is the process.send implementation. It is fast and also incredibly simple to implement. I am a little unexcited about this solution because it is slower than I’d like, doesn’t support Deno and Bun, and there’s very little space to improve things. However, this implementation is deeply practical and easy to understand, which is beautiful. Here’s the source of worker.js, the rest is here.

import { spawn } from "node:child_process";
import process from "node:process";
process.on("message", (message) => {
const [id, cmd, ...args] = message;
const cp = spawn(cmd, args);
cp.stdout.on("data", (data) => process.send([id, "stdout", data]));
cp.stderr.on("data", (data) => process.send([id, "stderr", data]));
cp.on("close", (code, signal) => process.send([id, "exit", code, signal]));
Node1,179node child-process-send-logs/index.js

Very nice, probably the practical choice if you are only targeting Node.

Load Balancing

A quick note on load balancing between processes. Both Go and Rust have complicated schedulers that distribute work efficiently. So far, when picking a worker I’ve been grabbing a random one:

const workers = await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 8 }, newWorker));
const randomWorker = () => workers[Math.floor(Math.random() * workers.length)];

However, we can also implement round-robin, and least-connections style load balancing. See a wonderful writeup on those here.

const pickWorkerInOrder = () => workers[(count += 1) % workers.length];
const pickWorkerWithLeastRequests = () =>
workers.reduce((selectedWorker, worker) =>
worker.requests < selectedWorker.requests ? worker : selectedWorker

Sadly I didn’t see consistent performance improvements with these approaches. They all perform about the same. Maybe more typical workloads where the spawn calls are not entirely uniform would benefit more from these changes.


It seems possible, given all of these findings, to implement a child_process library that implements the same API surface as node:child_process but farms the spawn calls out to a process pool. Maybe I will write that, or maybe you will. Please let me know if there’s interest.

Final Thoughts

We’re sadly at the limits of my knowledge/experimentation, but I wonder what could unlock more performance.

It was really fun to see improved performance and what didn’t, and the random moments where Deno/Bun/Node were affected differently.

Using Node and Bun together is a fun pattern and it’s nice to see it lead to such a speedup. Please support Node’s IPC, Deno!

Let me know if there’s anything else I should experiment with here! See you next time :)

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