Joining the Open Source Pledge

Tom MacWright on

Val Town couldn’t exist without open source software. Like most startups, we build applications on top of open source frameworks, modules, languages, and more. It’s crucial to us that these projects thrive and their maintainers have the time, energy, and justification to keep working on them. We contribute patches upstream and are gradually releasing open source modules of our own, but today we’re supporting these projects more directly: with funding.

We’re joining the Open Source Pledge, and have donated $9,600 so far in 2024. The goal is to donate at least $2,000 per full-time employee per year, which we’ve already exceeded, but we plan to donate more throughout the year.

So far we’ve donated to:

ProjectWhat it doesAmount
esm.shCDN for ESM modules$1000
Sindre SorhusProlific open source maintainer$1000
tsxEasy way to run TypeScript directly$1000
FastifyWeb framework$1000
ZodData validation library$1000
UnifiedMarkdown transformation module ecosystem$1000
DrizzleDatabase query builder$800
CodeMirrorCode editor framework$800
Mock Service WorkerTesting helper modules$500
rcloneUpload and download files to S3 and more$500
HonoWeb standards-based web framework$500
huskyNice way to set up git hooks$500

Thanks so much to all the maintainers of these projects! We are so grateful for your work. We hope these donations go a small way towards showing our appreciation and making open-source more sustainable.

Do you rely on open source software? You probably do: ask your company to join the pledge too!

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