Val Town Newsletter 14

In the last two weeks, we launched Pull Requests, redesigned the Val Editor, shipped Github Copilot-like AI Suggestions, relaunched our docs and blog sites on Astro, and a bunch of smaller things.
Coming up soon is more polish, collaboration features, and custom domains. Hopefully early next year, we’re also going to be benchmarking & improving the runtime performance of Val Town v3 and updating the limits accordingly.
The community has made hundreds of really cool vals recently (links below), including through collaboration in the Discord recently. Come join us! 👋
Pull Requests
You can now send Pull Requests to vals! Below we demonstrate forking a val, adding a feature, submitting a PR, then switching accounts, and merging the PR.
Editor Redesign
We redesigned the Val Editor to make it clearer how to run all the different types of vals and view their logs. We are rolling out these changes over the next two weeks.
AI Suggestions
It’s like Github Copilot, but for Val Town!
It’s free for everyone in beta. We’ll follow up with pricing once we work out the kinks.
OSS Docs
We launched our new docs site on Astro Starlight and open-sourced it.
Pull requests welcome! Huge shoutout to Xkonti who’s been contributing a ton of high-leverage PRs to our new docs and mattx for building out this fantastic guide to working with Google Sheets in Val Town 🤩
Misc Updates
- Relaunched our and open-sourced our blog
Run in Val Town
button on code in our docs 🙏 Xkonti- Make logs vertically resizable
- Import Environment Variables from .env files
- API updates: val names & privacy
- Copy
when you make a new env variable - Renamed “Secrets” to “Environment Variables” 🙏 Xkonti
- Val Templates for common patterns: like importing from npm, env variables, JSX, emailing yourself, persistence, OpenAI…
- Make comments in the editor a lighter color
- Linkify @username/valname references in READMEs and comments
- Improved onboarding survey questions
- Annual survey
- Fix
bug - Linkify val error stack traces
- Better error messages on
- Fix evaluation viewing bug
- Fix error notification bug
- Notifications from comments on vals you don’t own but commented on
- Custom domains
- Editor redesigns
(like Blob, SQLite, and Email)- Improved AI suggestions
- Requests for pull requests aka “Todos” (kinda like Github Issues)
- Community feature request board
- Public folders (aka Projects)
- Dashboard
- Company/Team account
- Benchmark v3 runtime performance and update limits
- Improved runtime performance
Cool vals
- @pomdtr’s upgraded the Val Town CLI to manage vals, blobs, sqlite
- @saolsen pitted val against val in a Connect 4 Bot Royale
- @rlesser visualized your val’s dependency graph (example)
- @pomdtr added basic auth middleware using your Val Town auth token
- @Glench subscribes to an RSS feed users trying to delete their Google Photos (for marketing his extension)
- @xkonti created a a GPT memory backend
- @nilslice (founder of extism) demoed Val Town & extism wasm
- @seep remotely start and stop their car via a Subaru SDK!!!
- @stevekrouse manages blob storage & sqlite with these admin panels
- @karfau exposed a GitHub emoji API
- @dupontgu generated 3D model STL files from query params (example)
- @fab1an exposed an API to blob storage
- @karfau and @robsimmons did Advent of Code on Val Town
- @vladimyr made a podcast badge showing the latest episode time
- @nbbaier made a list of ideas he wants to build on Val Town
- @nbbaier made an SDK for the Val Town API
- @pomdtr made an SDK for val-scoped blob storage
- @sean_smyth gets notified when someone stars a Github repo
- @stevedylandev gets a weekly report of IFPS & Pinata
- @julbrs made a Zoho Desk SDK
- @petermillspaugh generated a a spaced repetition course
- @syncretizm scrapped twitter using browserless pupetter
- @nbbaier made a blog, using Github as the CMS
- @pomdtr made a list of ideas for Val Town
- @nbbaier made an Val Town idea aggregator
- @stevekrouse gets notified when Val Town is mentioned on Twitter
- @stevekrouse gets notified Val Town is mentioned on Bluesky
- @stwind made a WebGL gradient
- @nbbaier demoed running a shell script from a val
- @nbbaier made a wishlist of features he wants to see on Val Town
- @stevekrouse gets a daily dad joke
- @u made a gron API to make JSON greppable
- @nbbaier made a lowdb API generator
- @pomdtr made a lowdb SDK for blob storage
- @vez made a comments API
- @pomdtr made a blog using Github-flavored markdown
- @pomdtr renders Val Town README to HTML
- @nbbaier made embedded the tiptap rich text editor
- @pomdtr made a gist runner
- @nbbaier used xata serverless postgres service
- @rebelpotato made a bilibili SDK
- @cescyang_service gets notified ios bing apps
- @pomdtr made a pattern to call vals from the CLI
- @stevekrouse made a val editor redirector
- @nbbaier made a Swagger UI Hono Zod Demo
- @syncretizm made calculator endpoints
- @syncretizm made a Youtube scraper
- @vladimyr made a API and an npm registry API